
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gargantuan News!

Today marks the end of spring break.

Which in turn means classes begin tomorrow. I can't believe break is over, it simply flew by. I also can't believe I only have two months left and I will be done my first year of graduate school! Time flies when you're studying, eh?

I much rather be here:

Dreaming of the Bahamas...

I can't be too sad the days of sleeping in and doing nothing are done, however, because Michael is MOVING here!!! I can officially announce it to the world-and boy, does that feel good!
Mike and I have been in a long-distance relationship for the past year and a half. It's been both beyond challenging and an incredible growing experience. I moved to Boston knowing that eventually Mike wanted to move here too. We just didn't know when.

So after months of worrying it may never happen and I was destined to have a Skype relationship with my beloved, I am over the moon. :)

The biggest thing I have learned throughout this experience is to keep faith. A lot of times I doubted and worried about all the small details constantly (okay, a bit more than constantly- a gargantuan ton). When in reality, all the small details where working themselves out as they were meant to.

So, for all you LDRs, my best piece of advice is to always try and keep faith (and believe me, I know that is WAY easier said than done sometimes!)

I'm flying down to Mike's later on in the week to drive his car up and move him into his apartment.

Yip, Yip, HOORAY!

I hope you all enjoy your Sundays and they include lots of good rest and sweets!

(Ps. Isn't the word garguantuan simply awesome?)

How about all of you? Anything exciting going on?
Any good long distance relationship advice?
Any fun words of the day?
Anyone else ready for spring? Cause I sure am!


  1. Congratulations!! That's so exciting :)
    -Haley @ A Long Distance Love

  2. So excited for you! I can't wait for that day to come for me and my man. I would love to be blogging friends, I have already started following you! Such a cute blog. (:

    1. Thanks you!!And that day will come...just got the be patient (which again can be totally hard but in the head worth it :) )so excited we are blogger friends!! :)

  3. yaaay super exciting :)
    as for lond distance advice, just stay busy! that's what the hubs and I did while we were still just engaged. time went by a lot quicker :)

    The DayLee Journal


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