Hello, lovelies!
It has been, well simply put, forever.
So, what better way than to reintroduce myself by writing about the biggest decision I've ever made...
That time I switched to dark chocolate. Kidding. (Are you pitty laughing with me?)
More like that time I got engaged....! Yup, I am officially off the market. (Unless Channing comes to his senses and realizes I'm the girl of his dreams...)
M proposed on a beautiful day last April. He surprised me with a trip to my favorite place in the universe- Vermont. He smoothly pretended that the reason he was taking me on a trip was because he had received more money than he thought he was going to from his tax return and since we had been so busy lately, that he thought a trip away would be nice. (Sneaky that man!)He booked us into a hotel over looking Lake Champlain. It had the most gorgeous view ever and still makes me grin.
The next morning, M took me to our favorite place for breakfast. We ran into some friends from college, so we ended up eating with them. (Little did I know, M was on a schedule and was freaking out that I would be my normal chatty self and never leave.)
After breakfast, M suggested we take a walk on the boardwalk over looking the lake. This has always been a special place for M and I. It's where we went on one of our first dates and where I would go whenever I needed to get away during my time at college. The lake is just so peaceful and there are these beautiful wooden swings that make me feel like I'm five years old and are my favorite place to sit.
After we took a bit of a walk and sat on the benches, M asked if he could take a picture of me. I happily agreed. Little did I know, he had hired a photographer to capture our entire proposal and was positioning me so they'd be able to see us!
The next thing I knew, we walked over to the water to take the picture and I happened to put my hand on M's chest. It was beating like crazy. I asked him what was going on, and he started to tell me how much he loved me and wanted to spend our lives together.
He then asked me to marry him, got down on one knee..
And I exclaimed, "is that real?! is this real?"
Once M assured me that it was actually happening, I screamed yes three times in a row and began jumping up and down.
By now a small crowd had formed and began clapping for us. I was too stunned to really notice. It took about ten minutes for my mind to process that I had actually just been proposed to..
The next half hour was spent in tears and the sweetest photographer taking candid pictures of our bliss. I was so focused on M and our happy day that I hardly even noticed them being taken. I am so happy to have the photographs because it all happened in such a blur-it's so nice being able to relive it and see both of our reactions.
Here's some of my favorite shots:

I am so beyond excited to marry this man. He couldn't have planned a more perfect proposal for the two of us. I look forward to blogging about everything wedding during the next year...
*Photo Credit to Ready Aim Shutter